In this article, we will give an overview of the Execute T-SQL Statement Task, and we will make a small comparison with the Execute SQL Task which is more popular.
How to get GraphLayout XML from programmatically generated SSIS package?
Stack Overflow
Getting started with Biml
SQL Shack
Manipulating SSAS OLAP cubes using SSIS
SQL Shack
SQL Server functions for converting a String to a Date
SQL Shack
A SQL join on multiple tables: overview and implementation
SQL Shack
SQL join multiple tables is one of the most popular types of statements executed while handling relational databases. As known, there are five types of join operations: Inner, Left, Right, Full and Cross joins. In this article, we will explain the meaning of Joins in SQL, we will describe each...
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An overview of the SQL cursor @@FETCH_STATUS function
SQL Shack
SQL cursor is one of the most popular database objects. It is used to retrieve data from the result set of an SQL query one row at a time. Even if the cursor is not recommended from a performance perspective, they are still widely used especially when handling a small...
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Yet another bunch of SQL string functions
SQL Shack
Linking relational databases with OLAP cubes
SQL Shack
One of the most asked questions is how to link an OLAP cube with a relational database, or in another way how to join the result of an MDX query with a table stored in a relational database. In this article, we will illustrate how to link a SQL Server...
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SSIS Extract links from Excel cells to load into SQL
Stack Overflow
An overview of SQL String Functions
SQL Shack
In this article, we will try to give a brief overview of the SQL string functions used in SQL Server and we will provide some examples. A string function is a function that takes a string value as an input regardless of the data type of the returned value. In...
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ORADIEX: A Big Data driven smart framework for real-time surveillance and analysis of individual exposure to radioactive pollution
Radiation pollution has been always a critical concern, since it can cause a huge damage to humans and for nature. To minimize the damage, governments are collecting and monitoring radiation level using advanced systems. In the past years, Big data technologies such as distributed file systems, NoSQL databases and stream...
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An overview of the SQL Server Profiler
SQL Shack
SSIS Foreach Loop vs For Loop Container
SQL Shack
SSIS Balanced Data Distributor Overview
SQL Shack
An overview of the Data Profiling task in SSIS
SQL Shack
The Data Profiling task in SSIS is an important task that can be used to assess the quality of data sources. Unfortunately, this component is not widely used by many business intelligence developers.
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SQL OFFSET FETCH Feature: Loading Large Volumes of Data Using Limited Resources with SSIS
SQL Shack
In this article, we illustrate how to use the OFFSET FETCH feature as a solution for loading large volumes of data from a relational database using a machine with limited memory and preventing an out of memory exception. We describe how to load data in batches to avoid placing a...
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SSIS Script Component Overview
SQL Shack
SSIS Script component is a prominent strength of SQL Server Integration Services since it allows developers to implement any complex logic and utilize libraries from the powerful .NET framework or third-parties. In this article, we will give an overview of SSIS Script component, and illustrate the benefits of using it....
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SSIS Flat Files vs Raw Files
SQL Shack
SSIS XML Destination
SQL Shack
Until now, Microsoft has not included the XML Destination component in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). Many years ago, this component was requested on the Microsoft connect website, but it was closed as “Won’t fix.” For this reason, many workarounds and third-party components were created. In this article, we’ll talk...
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