Manipulating SSAS OLAP cubes using SSIS

SQL Shack

In this article, we will give an overview of the first two tasks provided by Integration Services (SSIS) that allows manipulating OLAP cubes and executing commands over SSAS. These two tasks are Analysis Services Processing Task and Analysis Services Execute DDL Task.
Tags: ssis ssas olap

ORADIEX: A Big Data driven smart framework for real-time surveillance and analysis of individual exposure to radioactive pollution


Radiation pollution has been always a critical concern, since it can cause a huge damage to humans and for nature. To minimize the damage, governments are collecting and monitoring radiation level using advanced systems. In the past years, Big data technologies such as distributed file systems, NoSQL databases and stream... [Read More]

SSIS Foreach Loop vs For Loop Container

SQL Shack

In this article, first, we will briefly describe foreach loops and for loops. Then, we will give an overview of SSIS Foreach Loop Container and For Loop Container. Finally, we will compare these two containers.
Tags: ssis loops

SSIS Script Component Overview

SQL Shack

SSIS Script component is a prominent strength of SQL Server Integration Services since it allows developers to implement any complex logic and utilize libraries from the powerful .NET framework or third-parties. In this article, we will give an overview of SSIS Script component, and illustrate the benefits of using it.... [Read More]

SSIS XML Destination

SQL Shack

Until now, Microsoft has not included the XML Destination component in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). Many years ago, this component was requested on the Microsoft connect website, but it was closed as “Won’t fix.” For this reason, many workarounds and third-party components were created. In this article, we’ll talk... [Read More]
Tags: ssis xml

SSIS OLE DB Destination vs SQL Server Destination

SQL Shack

In this article, I will give an overview of SSIS OLE DB Destination and SQL Server Destination and I will try to illustrate some of the difference between both destination components based on my personal experience, SSIS official documentation and some other experts experience in this domain.

SSIS OLE DB Source: SQL Command vs Table or View

SQL Shack

SQL Server Integration Services provides a wide variety of features that helps developers to build a robust Extract, Transform and Load process. After many years contributing to SSIS related tags on, I can say that many developers have some misunderstanding about SSIS features (SSIS OLE DB Source, SSIS Expressions,... [Read More]
Tags: ssis ole db sql